How is technology transforming nurse staffing solutions?


It is inevitable that artificial intelligence will make its way to every department. According to a survey, 92% of healthcare leaders agreed to automate the time-consuming and repetitive tasks so that they can concentrate on enhancing patient treatment. However, 65% of healthcare professionals are concerned about using automation technology, saying it could damage the quality of patient care. The survey also found that 41% of healthcare leaders are planning to implement automation technology to address nursing shortages. However, there are some technologies that are paving the way for better nurse staffing. As technologies are serving as catalysts, the industry is soon to reach a new phase. In this blog, we will explore some of the leading and sophisticated technologies that are bringing a new segment in nurse staffing and how MedSquirrels utilizes these technologies to source providers for healthcare facilities.

Revolutionizing nurse staffing with artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is making significant changes in nurse staffing by addressing difficulties in traditional staffing. While the traditional staffing model is creating inefficiencies, high administrative burdens, and a lack of flexibility, artificial intelligence is the silver bullet to removing all the burdens.

Below are the key entities where AI is making an impact.


It will consume a lot of time if there is bulk hiring. Most of the time goes into screening the resumes, scheduling the interviews, and assessing the skills. It consumes your money, time, and resources to a significantly large extent. Here, AI is acts as a bridge clearing the roadblocks for recruiting. From screening resumes to onboarding candidates, AI is making no stone unturned.

Compensation and benefits

It is a complex task to identify the perfect compensation for a provider. With the help of artificial intelligence, keeping track of market rates, performing the history analysis, and creating an end-to-end report for compensation by ensuring a perfect match between the facility and the candidates can be very easy.

Performance tracking 

One cannot be active all the time to track the performance of nurses, and this is impossible. But by using AI, it is as simple as anything. With the latest AI features, it is a piece of cake tracking the performance by taking their individual performance, task outcome, timings, and patient outcome. AI will further give actionable reports on the individual performance of candidates. With the reports generated by the AI, it is easy for any corporation to decide on their hiring strategies, whether to hire or not. However, human judgment will still be required to evaluate the cultural fit and complex skills of the nurses.

Next-gen workforce management systems 

The job is not yet done unless the nurse staffing is settled. For any facility, it is essential to effortlessly manage the newly hired talent on a range of aspects: shift scheduling, time, emergency coverages, and holidays and leaves.

The emerging workforce management systems are reducing a facility’s burden by providing an easy access tool that can manage the hired talent (including remote talent) with only a little human intervention. The latest workforce management tools use algorithms and data history and allow facilities to create perfect shift scheduling and a self-scheduling portal for their nurses. With patient acuity and census data, the systems can create dynamic nurse staffing models. This will ensure that nurses will fill the requirements in case of any unforeseen emergencies. Workforce management systems increase efficiency by reducing administrative burdens, which consume a lot of time. This increases nurses’ satisfaction by achieving better work-life balance and professional development. 

Decision-making-driven advanced analytics 

While Artificial intelligence and workforce management systems are addressing key challenges in nurse staffing, human intervention will still be crucial to identify the roadblocks and performance of candidates. 

This brings highlight to the need for analytics, which is regularly being used by healthcare facilities that have a significantly large staff. Decision-making is the one of the most important processes yet it is time-consuming even for well-organized facilities. The tools will provide assistance in data-driven decision-making regarding recruitment, workforce management, and candidate retention. These tools will provide precise results that will clear the inefficiencies. 

So far, we have read that these technologies improve not only nurse staffing but also their performance, satisfaction, and patient care. Moreover, implementing these technologies in your facility will address all the issues related to hiring, workforce management, shortages, and burnout. 

You can associate with online platforms, like MedSquirrels, that already have been using such technologies and helping facilities with fulfilling their staffing requirements over many years. This will allow you to harness the latest technological developements under your budget and without spending any resources or time. 

What is Medsquirrels, and how can it help you with healthcare staffing?

As one of the elite platforms that provide the most compatible way of nurse staffing, we are on par with the technologies that are transforming the nursing staffing industry. With our all-in-one HR platform, we are streamlining the hiring operations without any room for disorganization by ensuring zero errors in scouting and screening candidates’ profiles, credentials and background verification, compliance, and onboarding. Our platform’s workforce management tools can accurately and timely handle employee timesheets, leaves, and task distribution with ease. 

For many facilities, payrolling is a key challenge and time-consuming process and we are here to address it. MedSquirrels will take care of your facility’s payroll and ensure that it is performed on time without any room for errors, thereby providing efficient and transparent billing. As an Employer of Record, our platform will also handle benefits management with zero compliance and employer risks to your facility.

Hiring through our platform is affordable and convenient compared to most staffing agencies, as you will only be charged a flat license fee per hire. Thus, you can skip huge agency commissions and VSM/MSP fees and pay top dollar to your hired providers. 

Curious to know how our AI platform works? Click here!

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