3 Reasons why healthcare facilities should hire travel nurses

3 Reasons why healthcare facilities should hire travel nurses

The healthcare industry is facing a significant challenge: a nursing shortage. The American Nurses Association projects a deficit of 1.1 million registered nurses (RNs) by 2030. This shortage creates a ripple effect, impacting patient care, staff burnout, and overall hospital efficiency.

One effective solution to address this gap is by utilizing travel nurses. These highly skilled and experienced RNs work on temporary contracts, filling staffing needs in various healthcare facilities. Here’s why travel nurses are a valuable asset for healthcare facilities.

1. Bridging the gap during nurse shortages

The nursing shortage is a complex issue with several contributing factors, including an aging population requiring more care, a decrease in nurses entering the workforce, and high burnout rates among current nurses.

This shortage can lead to:

  • Reduced patient access to care: With fewer nurses, hospitals may be forced to limit admissions or extend wait times for procedures.
  • Increased workload for existing staff: This can lead to burnout, decreased job satisfaction, and ultimately, higher nurse turnover rates.
  • Compromised patient safety: When nurses are stretched thin, the risk of errors and complications increases.

Travel nursing offer a flexible solution to address these challenges. They can be deployed quickly to fill staffing gaps, ensuring adequate coverage and continuity of care.

Consider this: A 2013 study by the American Hospital Association found that 95% of the top hospitals in the US utilize travel nurses. This widespread adoption highlights the effectiveness of travel nurses in addressing staffing shortages.

Also read: How MedSquirrels Can Solve Your Healthcare Staffing Shortage Crisis

2. Cost-effectiveness and reduced administrative burden

Hiring and onboarding a permanent nurse can be a lengthy and expensive process. It really doesn’t make sense to hire nurses on a full-time basis when you are looking to cater to your seasonal or temporary high patient census. Hospitals incur costs associated with advertising, interviewing, background checks, and training. Travel nurses alleviate this burden by:

  • Reduced recruitment costs: Healthcare facilities don’t need to invest significant resources in recruiting and interviewing travel nurses, as these tasks are handled by the staffing agency.
  • No benefit packages: Travel nurses are typically employed by the staffing agency, which handles their benefits like health insurance and paid time off. This eliminates the additional costs associated with full-time staff benefits for hospitals.
  • Faster integration: Travel nurses arrive pre-credentialed and often require minimal orientation. This allows them to start working quickly, minimizing disruptions to patient care.

While travel nurses typically command higher hourly wages than permanent staff, the cost savings from reduced recruitment and benefits can offset this difference. Additionally, travel nurses often bring specialized skills and experience, which can lead to improved patient outcomes and reduced hospital readmission rates, further contributing to cost savings.

3. Access to a wider talent pool and diverse skillsets

Travel nurses are a diverse group, often seeking new experiences and opportunities to utilize their skills in different healthcare settings. This allows hospitals to tap into a wider talent pool than might be available locally, particularly for:

  • Filling specialty positions: Hospitals in rural areas or those with specialized units may struggle to find qualified nurses locally. Travel nurses can provide essential expertise in areas like critical care, pediatrics, or oncology.
  • Temporary needs: Travel nurses are ideal for covering short-term staffing gaps, such as those arising from maternity leave, vacations, or unexpected patient surges.
  • Skill development: Travel nurses often have experience working in different healthcare environments and with diverse patient populations. This exposure allows them to develop a broader skillset, which can benefit both the travel nurse and the healthcare facility.

What’s next? 

Now that you understand the benefits of hiring travel nurses, it’s time to find qualified professionals who can fill those critical staffing gaps in your healthcare facility. That’s where MedSquirrels comes in!

MedSquirrels is your one-stop solution for connecting with a network of skilled travel nurses. Here’s how we can help:

  • Streamlined matching: Our AI-powered platform efficiently matches your facility’s needs with the perfect travel nurses based on your specific requirements, qualifications, and schedule.
  • Reduced costs: MedSquirrels cuts out the middleman by directly connecting facilities with travel nurses, eliminating agency markups, and offering monthly transparent flat fee structures.
  • Simplified process: Forget lengthy recruitment processes. MedSquirrels handles the search and vetting, saving you valuable time and resources.

With MedSquirrels, finding the right travel nurses becomes a smooth and efficient experience. You can focus on providing excellent patient care while they handle the staffing challenges.


Travel nurses are a valuable asset for healthcare facilities facing the challenges of a nursing shortage. They offer a flexible, cost-effective solution to bridge staffing gaps, ensure quality patient care, and reduce the burden on permanent staff. By embracing travel nurses, healthcare facilities can create a more resilient and adaptable workforce, ultimately contributing to a healthier future for patients and the entire healthcare system.

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