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MedSquirrels Pricing vs Traditional MSP & Healthcare Staffing Agencies

Our transparent billing approach helps our partnered facilities save money while still pay the providers better than the industry rates & attract top talent!. Our healthcare workers appreciate knowing what they are billed for and the facilities value knowing exactly how much the clinicians earn.

Our Plans Purple Plan
Orange Plan
(Staffing: Sourcing & Payrolling)
Blue Plan
(Permanent Hire/Sourcing)
MedSquirrels Your Bill Rate = Payroll Cost (Clinician’s Pay +Payroll Taxes/benefits) + $3.99/hour per staff Your Bill Rate = Payroll Cost (Clinician’s Pay +Payroll Taxes/benefits) + $4.99/hour per staff 15% of Provider's Annual Pay
Other Agencies Your Bill Rate = 5% MSP Fee + 30 to 50% of Clinician's Pay + Clinician's Pay 20% of Provider's Annual Pay
Let us do the math
  • When a nurse (RN) is hired for 13 weeks at $100 per hour for 40 hours a week, the total cost is $52,000.
  • After deducting a 5% MSP fee, the payment to the staffing agency is $49,400.
  • The RN receives $35,285, calculated from a base pay of $9,285 plus a total travel stipend of $26,000, after the agency applies a 40% markup.
Using the MedSquirrels platform with the same pay rate:
  • The nurse's pay remains the same at $9,285 (taxable) plus $26,000.
  • Employer-related taxes and costs are 15% of the taxable pay, totaling $1,392.75.
  • Total payroll expenses come to $36,677.75.
  • The sourcing fee & Licence fee $2594.8 (i.e $4.99 per hour for 13 weeks).
  • The total charge to the healthcare facility is $39,272.55
Cost savings of $12,725 per RN per 13 week contract
If a RN ICU is hired at $90,000.00, we charge $13500.00 as placement fee vs others charge $18000.00
Potential Savings 20 to 30% cost savings to the healthcare facility 20 to 30% Savings!