Travel nurses are healthcare providers who are appointed in high-need areas in a different geographical region. These care providers take temporary assignments at hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes, in a location far away from where they live. Through MedSquirrels, you can find and hire travel nurses for your healthcare facility based on your job requirements. We have pre-scanned candidate profiles, so you can find the most ideal nurses without putting extensive efforts into the process. Our hiring process is streamlined, cost-effective, and quick, allowing you to fill your open positions in the shortest time without disturbing your patient care procedures.

Are you a healthcare facility looking for travel nurses?

Are you a travel nurse looking for a job?

Medical assistants jobs highlight

Our platform helps you source a diverse range of skilled travel nurses and manages their payroll and benefits. Through our platform, you can easily recruit for specialized travel nurses roles including:

Why MedSquirrels is an ideal platform to hire travel nurses?

Competitive expertise

With our travel nurse hiring solutions, you can source the best talent without going out of your budget. Our platform also strives to provide you with optimum quality, performance, and productivity of the desired candidates without straining your financial capacity.

Transparent pricing structure

When you use our hiring platform, there will be no additional costs as all our plans are stated clearly on our website as well as the platform itself. You will always stay abreast of what you are paying for and the prices will not complicate the bills.

Seamless integration

Once you choose your travel nurses, our platform will proceed with further hiring steps – onboarding, payrolling, and compliance and benefits. Their management and payrolls will be effectively handled by MedSquirrels. 

Full compliance assurance

A travel nurse staffing agency’s most neglected part of hiring process is the assurance of compliance. To solve this, MedSquirrels dedicatedly handles this part and ensures that every candidate provided to you complies with regulatory requirements.

Why choose MedSquirrels to hire travel nurses for your medical facility?

All-in-one platform for healthcare staffing needs

MedSquirrels is the all-in-one solution for your healthcare requirements to hire travel nurses. Within 2-5 business days, you will receive pre-screened profiles of travel nurses to hire. Simply post your job requirements on our platform and it will begin the process of screening profiles based on your need. Our AI platform will go through all the steps and suggest the best profiles for your facility. We also take care of the compliance and credentials burden of the candidates so you can be hassle-free and work on what matters the most – providing the best patient care.

Challenges in hiring travel nurses

Lengthy hiring procedures

Recruiting travel nurses can be a time-consuming process, hence limiting your facility’s ability to provide appropriate care.

High recruitment fees

Traditional travel nurse staffing agencies provide these healthcare professionals at a high placement fees that make the overall hiring cost bounce beyond the budget.

Complex compliance requirements

It may become quite complex to determine whether the travel nurses meet all the regulatory requirements.


MedSquirrels: Your premier partner to hire travel nurses

Cost-effective recruitment plans

We offer three unique hiring plans that will your facility to optimize its hiring budget and find the best travel nurse professional within your pay range.

Simplified and convenient recruitment strategy

With our platform’s fast and efficient hiring process, you can minimize the time needed to find and hire travel nurses that meet your exact job requirements.

Comprehensive compliance management

Our platform strictly adheres to the guidelines of our recruitment process. This significantly reduces the risk and improves the quality of services offered by travel nurses.


Trusted by top healthcare facilities

Ready to hire a travel nurse?

Are you keen to take help from a travel nurse hiring platform? Sign up at MedSquirrels and request a demo to know how our travel nurses hiring solutions work. Let us be your partner in sourcing skilled healthcare professionals at your facility while you can focus on providing excellent patient care.


You can use MedSquirrels platform to hire travel nurses for various sub-specializations, which includes emergency nursing, critical care, telemetry nursing, medical-surgical nursing, labor and delivery, travel RN, ICU nurse, and pediatric.

MedSquirrels, one of the best travel nursing agencies,  is an AI-enabled platform that helps healthcare facility to hire travel nurses that match your need completely. Also, we take care of compliance, thus you will not face any difficulties while hiring.

The process of recruiting Travel Nurses can be difficult because of their high demand because most hospitals and healthcare facilties are competing for the same talent pool. Due to this, your chances of attracting top talent will be significantly reduced in the presence of high competition.

MedSquirrels helps hire travel nurses in a short period of time and under a facility’s budget. From acknowledging job requirements to sourcing profile matches, we scrutinize each candidate thoroughly so that only the best candidates are shortlisted for further interviews. This way any healthcare facility can relieve itself from the initial hiring burdens.

Get the best travel nurses sourced by MedSquirrels